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Jalaid - 23 июня 2020 17:51 Five Night at Freddy's Content v4
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В Garry's Mod/garrysmod/addons


sm_0ke_ - 9 июня 2020 18:15 [CW 2.0] Makarov PM
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Это нужно писать на стол заказов, и кидать ссылку на мод в workshop'e
ClarITy™ (Макс) - 8 июня 2020 12:26 MCPB Weapons
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You don't have to worry about viruses, everything has been checked by me personally. I myself have already downloaded MCPB Weapon 10 times from this site and everything works well without viruses,so you can not be afraid of viruses. After you download and install this addon, you will have a problem with the camera, which is like it shakes, but! There are several solutions.

1 . - you can download the SharpeYe addon, but it does not work, since it conflates with other quite interesting Addons, such as Tactical Leaning ( this addon adds peeking out of walls or turns to the left or right ). Without the tactical Leaning add-on, I don't feel like playing, so there is another way, which you will find below.
2. - If you also do not want to play as I do with the addon SharpeYe, then just need to delete one file in the addon MCPB Weapons and all, then you will not shake the camera. To find this file you need to go to the following path: "MCPBweapons \\ lua \\ autorun \\ client "in the" client " folder there will be one file to delete. After you delete it, you can successfully go to Garry's mod and naslozhdatsya addon: 3

By the way, guys, I noticed something in the comments while I was dealing with the MCPB Weapons add-on, many are distressed by the replacement of standard weapons with others from the mcpb Weapons add-on. I FOUND A SOLUTION! You just need to enter two commands, namely "MCPB_DedicatedWeapons 0" and "MCPB_TranslateWeapons 0" and that's it, but you still have to die and be happy. Now you have standard weapons from Half-Life :3

I hope the translator translated everything correctly and you understand what we are talking about. I will be grateful if you respond to my comment after configuring addon :)
иван - 4 июня 2020 10:14 NeuroTec Vehicles Addon Pack
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Я советую тебе устанавливать с Workshop Steam'а,так как с самой мастерской,аддоны всегда работают.Далее аддоны Garry's mod,и потом тебе нужно пробить в поиске "Steam Workshop Downloader",та дам!Ты можешь установить этот аддон,но для этого нужна его основная база "NeuroBase",чтобы работал сам аддон,и потому у тебя ошибка
Gold_Day - 30 мая 2020 09:57 Combine Units +PLUS+ [Invasion Mode]
  • +1
перезалейте, c MediaDisk'a пишет ''404 not found''.
Cvatik - 30 мая 2020 06:18 Terrortrain 2019
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Нужно нажать на значок гаррис мода правая кнопка и "Расположение файла" Или найди в меню пуска в поиске в веди Garry's mod расположение файла и потом ищеш папочку там garrysmod и потом addons и туда качаеш моды